Saturday, February 16, 2008

I have made my Decision - Obama

I have heard, and read, so many arguments between those who choose Hillary and those who choose Obama. Really, folks, it makes little difference. ALL politicians use the same exact rhetoric, and refuse to plainly and simply lay out the blueprints for their actual plans once elected. Voters simply read into it whatever they want to hear. Hell, W had a good sounding line of bullshit back in 2000. He was for "uniting", bringing "respectability back to the Oval Office", "fairness in taxation", "more jobs", "more affordable health care". Who could argue with that? Now we all know what we really got with the whole W package. It was all Orwellian double speak. As for Hillary and Obama, I'd like to (for once) see some nuts and bolts planning with real numbers added in for fun. It ain't gonna happen during campaigne time. Regardless, we will have someone in the Whitehouse who is far superior to that scrub we have had for nearly eight years. I vote Obama because he seems "fresh" and Hillary has so much baggage to lug around during the fall.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Ah Dammit Anyhow

So I read over at kona's blog that we are still destroying the planet, even if we drive vehicles that burn bio-fuels. dammit. I just found an EH-85 station five miles from home (versus the 45 miles to Longview or the 100 miles to Portland)

I might as well be driving a rig powered by whale blubber and dolphin fins. I'm such a putz.