Monday, June 25, 2007

7 signs your sweetie may be cheating

I was in a reflective mood this evening. I realized as I looked back that I had all of these things happen to me within the last couple of years. So where was this handy little guide to the faithless back then? Well, maybe it will help someone else now.

Sign #1: Your sweetie keeps you a secret from his/her family & friends
Sign #2: Your sweetie is emotionally absent
Sign #3: Your sweetie says he or she wants a no-strings-attached romance
Sign #4: Your sweetie admits to cheating on exes—and justifies the betrayals
Sign #5: Your sweetie has never been without a mate
Sign #6: Your sweetie tells lies about little things
Sign #7: Your sweetie brags about his or her sex appeal


Jacq said...

Some people think online chatting is cheating too.

Maybe looking at porn online or watching videos is cheating?

I think not. I believe everyone has their definition of what cheating is. And if people are honest from the get go, they won't be surprised later on.

Just my opinion. ;P

CatsDigMe said...

I agree, and honesty throuout is necessary also. Although when it comes to online romances, people tend to dismiss the power contained in words. That old children's saying "stick and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me" is a lot of bullshit. Words can be weilded as weopans as well as tools for healing and comfoert. Its the feeling and intent behind the words that truly count.

CatsDigMe said...

Man, I'm starting to rely on spil-chik way too much.

Jacq said...

So true.

CatsDigMe said...

I guess to me cheating is when you take your emotions away from that someone in your life who is supposed to be special to you, and give them to someone else surreptitiously, in whatever form that takes.