Monday, August 25, 2008

Attack, ATTACK, ATTACK !!!

Thank god things are as shitty as they are. The Republican machine has gathered together such strength in its evil over the last several decades that the sheep who laughingly call themselves voters would be too comatose to see it otherwise.

The Libertarians are self-centered assholes so no one takes them seriously. The rest of the so called third party candidates are one or two issue candidates at most.

Democrats? Please. They are so stupid they actually believe not only in their own line of bullshit, but also in the basic goodness and smartitude of the ameriKan sheeople. Even with rising unemployment, an extremely unpopular war, inflation we haven't seen since the Ford administration, gas prices seeming like a bargain since they went DOWN to $3.88 per gallon, Obama can barely beat out that insiped fuck McCain.

Get a clue from the Karlrovians people. Attack, ATTACK, ATTACK !!!

McCain is old.
He is feeeble-minded
He is out of touch and an elitist boob
He was a POW - over thirty fucking years ago - since then he has fucked U.S. veterans
He is in the pocket of so many lobbyists that he has turned into a giant lint ball
He sucks big oil's cock so much that he shits raw crude
He is a robot and will have sex with our women
His birthday totals up to 666
He just had a stroke from using too much crystal meth

It doesn't matter what fucked up bullshit we make up about him. The ameriKan sheeople will believe it just enough to vote him down and put in the black man. Until they shoot 'im dead anyway.


Jacq said...

Okay. So what exactly is your point? It's hard to know what your true stance is, dude.

Don't tell me you're gonna be one of those people who cops out and decides not to vote because 'politicians will say what they want to get in and do what they want once they're in.'

McCain is a dried up old oil prune who sold himself to the oil gods and is a Bush slave. He wouldn't last under the pressure of a presidency. He looks like he's half dead already. We need some young fresh blood in there.

CatsDigMe said...

My point, my dearest one, is that just like Mccain attacks Obama for being a muslim, too black, not black enough, too young, too inexperienced - He needs to attack McCain the exact same way or we run the chance of the neo-con bastards stealing yet another election.

CatsDigMe said...

Hey! That line about being a robot here to have sex with our women was freakin hilarious. You always miss my best gems dear.

Anonymous said...

here's what worries me, because something always does: this business with the bear. the neo-cold war era with russia could be just the thing to keep a neo-con in power. it worries me because it is something we have no control over. as long as Putin flexes his old KGB muscle there is that danger. and here's a what if: what if when we begin construction on this missle defense system Russia attacks Poland. what if russia's bed partner, china, gets involved like someone's drunken girlfriend. errr, these are things we really can't handle even if we weren't overextended on other fronts.

back to my original point, in times of perceived danger voters tend to rush under the seemingly protective leathery wings of the conservatives. there are events beyond the weaknesses of the democratic election machine that could put McCain in power. that's the only thing that really worries me--

but I have to say the McCain choice of Palin was genius. the pissed off Hillary squad might just buy that ticket.

take care,

Anonymous said...

ah, so today's news tells me that McCain's choice of Palin was not so genius after all. according to something else I just read, she may not have even been vetted before being picked. I guess she was a convenient female to try to scoop up hillary supporters.

I could be a gift. I will have to wait and see.

Anonymous said...

"it" could be a gift. the fact that "I" am a gift is no revelation.

Anonymous said...

faster, "democrats", kill, kill!!

Anonymous said...

RNC and Palin factcheck: