Let me tell you the dog shit story. Growing up I lived on a tree farm and the only company I had was my family and our animals. A little later when I started first grade, I was approached by this kid named Tony Trabbucho. He told me that he and I were going to be best friends and he laid out an outline of all the wonderful things we were going to do together over the coming years. This dissertation even included our double wedding ceremony when we found the right girls. Just a couple of months into the school year the nuns decided that I was too young for first grade and talked my parents into holding me back a year. When I started up again the next school year, Tony was now a second grader and I was crushed when he told me we could no longer be friends because he was now too sophisticated to hang out with a mere first grader. This was my first experience with "friendship" and it has had a life-long effect on me. I hated that guy for treating me like that. In fact, I STILL have animosity for him.
Now we flash forward to third grade. A new kid came into town named Dan Connelly. We developed a superficial friendship. If we had been older we would probably have been out having beers together. One day at recess Dan stepped in a large pile of dog shit. Immediately all the kids started laughing and teasing him. I didn't really see what the big deal was. As I said, I grew up on a farm and I stepped in one kind of shit or another at least once a week. I came very close to running off with the other kids, but I saw the look on Dan's face and I recognized that he felt the same way I had when Tony had so cavalierly killed our friendship. I was the only child on the playground who stayed by Dan's side, both figuratively and literally. He thanked me profusely and I saw the enormous relief on his face when he realized that at least one person was there for him. It felt good to make such a positive difference in someone's life. I decided at that moment that I would always strive to be the best possible friend to each and every person who came into my life.
Over the next several years I made a lot of friends. Without fail each one told me I was the best friend they ever had. I also discovered girls and sex. By junior high school I was quite popular. I was smart, funny, a great friend, and the cute new guy. You saw my football picture. It was during that time. I honed my friendship skills and could make a friend out of almost anyone. During my seventh grade year I took the biggest bully in the school from hating me and wanting to kill me, to being, naturally, my best friend.
Now high school is where things took a turn. As I told you before, the popular kids who had adored me in junior high now shot their derision at me once I stopped playing football and started hanging out with people they deemed to be unworthy. That's when I met my friend Dan Grafton and Cindy & Mackie. After my experience with these people and Tony, I decided at that time that friendship was mostly a bunch of crap. Dog crap to be precise. I also determined that while I was an excellent friend for people to have, the reciprocation was never there. Not once has anyone been as good a friend to me as I have been to them. Then the worst possible thing started to happen. I allowed myself to become good friends with several women. Always it was the same. Whatever they needed, I was there for them. If they needed a ride, the car keys were already in my hand. If they needed company at their family reunion, I was already wearing the appropriate clothing. Mostly, anytime some awful MAN hurt their feelings, I was there to pick up the pieces. After the crying was over and my shoulders were all wet from them lying their heads upon them, they would run back to whichever scrub had hurt them in the first place.
You see? I have always been the reliable, safe, caring guy. Women like those things but they are not the traits that attract them to me as a lover or any kind of a romantic partner. Its always, without fail, the edgy, somewhat dangerous, aggressive guys who end up taking the girl home after the big dance. And ol' reliable Charles, Chas., Chucky, whomever, is there when it all falls apart. Until the next edgy, dangerous, domineering man shows up in the picture. That is why I can no longer allow myself to be "friend" with a woman. The relationship may not be exclusively romantic, or in certain cases even sexual at all, but it cannot be what is considered a traditional friendship. To me a friendship is where two guys go out and have beers together. Everything else needs to be defined in alternate terms.

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This post was originally an email to the Lovely Jacqueline.
Yea, dude, I don't have a clue as to why you didn't make it into a post to begin with.
But I completely understand where you're coming from, although, I've been able to spot the difference between toxic friends, friends who are users, and GOOD friends. And some who are in-between. It's taken me awhile to finally get it. Can't please everyone, I suppose.
I think the whole friend concept was made up by people who were too unaware of their emotions to define the feelings properly. It is kind of like ancient man attributing heat to the Sun god.
Damn! That's dangerously close to my life situation.
I may have to heed your life statement: I can never be friends with a girl.
I'm in a major "friends" zone and I appear to be perilously close to being "The Chump" if I haven't already become that guy.
This is definitely timely reading for me.
Great post.
Thanks Targa.
I wish I had an answer for you. The closest I have come is to change my attitude, and actions, somewhat towards those female "friends". I obviously can't change my personality overnight, but I purposely try to be more assertive. Its difficult to explain precisely. As a for instance - I met up with an old "friend" a couple of weekends ago who is newly single again. I made it plain when I called to ask her out that this was a date. She didn't take me seriously at first, but with the proper mix of bravado and humility it all went rather well. Now we are "friends with benefits", which is an improvement.
Excuse me, Cats, but "friends with benefits" still uses the term you despise, "FRIENDS," so I'm confused as to why you would even use it at all.
So getting something in return, i.e. SEX, is the only factor that would legitimize the term "friend?"
The fact that you wouldn't want a friendship at all without that little stipulation is sad. Not everything is black and white, you know. Sometimes, shit happens.
Sorry you don't "get it" Jacq. Most females do not. It isn't that we are trying to impose sexual relations on you poor, poor wimmen folk. Its basic respect that we want shown to us. We know that you women are sexually active, this isn't the fucking 1950's. If you want us to care for you, nurture you, protect you when needed, have feelings for you, support you - you have to give something back in return. If we do all of those things for you and you are giving your body to someone else, there is no real reason for us to stick around. If you like us/ love us, then show it rather than say it.
Oh, I should add. We know that women "make love with their hearts, not with their genitals" So if you are supposedly close with one guy but sleeping with someone else instead - well you aren't really all that close with the first guy are you now, gals?
Oh please, who the hell do you think you're talkin to here. Don't give me that bullshit. You either want sex with a woman, or there will be no friendship at all, with a woman, PERIOD. You want respect? I thought women were the ones bitchin about that, not men.
Hell, as long as you're gettin' your knob waxed what the hell is there, right?
That is NOT the point and you know it! Witholding sex is a weapon you women use.
Well, I won't take that statement personally because I don't use sex as a weapon. I don't need to. I don't need sex, either. All it does is complicate things with the opposite sex anyway, so why bother. I'd rather just be friends with a guy so he ends up wondering if we're gonna end up doing it or not. heh
alright. Before things get too out of hand here. I think what I am talking about is the female tendency to allow a sweet guy into her life, knowing that she can "get away with" not giving him sex. The dangerous, edgy, guy won't put up with that so she has to give him sex if she wants him to stick around. I think sweet guys like me, and it sounds like probably Targa too, need to act just a little more like the dangerous guys without losing our core values. Like by using run-on sentences.
Look dude, YOU'RE the one who opened up this can of worms.
So there.
And its my blog, so shut up already.
It's true. If you are always available for a woman, and always helping her in time of need, or when her "guy" gives her grief... you're the one she calls. I know. It's happened to me EVEN after I vowed it wouldn't happen again. Two weeks ago to be exact.
She still thinks I want to date her. But I've told her that I appreciate her friendship and just want to go out and have a few drinks every now and again. No strings. She never takes me up on the offer UNTIL there is strife or trauma with whomever she is secretly dating, ie, denying that she is dating anyone because she doesn't want to "hurt my feelings". WHAT? (keep in mind I'm new in this town and I know very few people. The women I've dated here have all been a bit "wacky") I digress.
So, I did her a favor this week. Her mother died on Wednesday and she had to leave town right away. So I took care of her daughter's guinea pig. Yup. Can you see where I'm going here?
She knows way more people than I do, and more guys than she cares to admit and NONE of those fuckers would take the pig. I was her "last resort". She turned on the waterworks and good ol' Targa falls right in line.
It's not about wanting sex with her or being her boyfriend. It's about mutual respect... and every once in a while she should let me fuck her. HAHAHAHA! Kidding....
So, I think the best thing to do, for me, is that I'm not calling her again... and I'll maybe screen her calls and not answer everytime she calls. I'm always available for my friends, but if it's clearly one-sided... that's not a friendship. That makes me the chimp in a circus of gorillas.
I'm sure I've not made a proper point but I felt more like venting.
Vent away my friend.
I think your analogy made your point quite well, and my original point too.
Oh, and Targa, other than not having an innocent guinea pig involved, I have damn near the exact situation going on with three different women currently. I know what ya mean, brother.
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