Friday, December 7, 2007

Hurricane Who?

Our storms aren't important enough to be named by anybody. We just went through three days of Hurricane whatsitsname with winds over 120 mph for 24 straight hours as just a part of the thing. The other two days the wind was only up to 100 mph. It is day 7 of the event as I write this, or day 4 of the aftermath if you prefer. We got power back at my house night before last. Most of Clatsop, Lincoln, Columbia, and Pacific(WA)counties are still without service. We got cell phone service back late yesterday, and the internet popped up about two seconds ago. Jacq sent me a text and said that Astoria was mentioned once, briefly, on the Weather Channel. I'll post this now so that people know we are alive. Internet service will be spotty at best for the next several days.


CatsDigMe said...

I have several pics of the storm damage. I'll post them soon.

Jacq said...

Okay, when I said before that you needed to update your blog, this wasn't what I had in mind!

Glad you're all okay.

CatsDigMe said...

I needed a more dramatic post anyway, dontcha know. hee.

Jacq said...

The pictures are fantastic! Too bad it's of the aftermath of a storm, but still awesome!!!!