Friday, July 27, 2007


Jacq said...

The stuff should just be made legal. Simple as that.

CatsDigMe said...

My old stoner buddies and I went over the possible scenarios many times. If pot is legal, the government can tax it. The black market dies, and the price actually goes down even though it is now taxed. The revenue generated could probably about pay off the national debt. There are many other facets to it, but i have ahangover from that perfectly legal thing, booze.

Jacq said...


Targa said...

Yeah, but if they legalize pot, the prison industry goes into the tank. That is a big money maker for a lot of people (ie, politicians).
Legal pot = vacancies in prisons = no federal funding = economic downturn = ...

Hmmm... "=" could be replaced with "begets" and then you'd have bible-like narrative.


So remember. Pot bad. Pot good. It all depends on what side of the argument you lie/reside.

Anonymous said...

I agree, I agree, but isn't it sad the the justice system is so corrupted that they want to do everything they can to try to put people into prison for anything possible.

drug possession is not violent crime. pot heads do not belong in prison.

shit, tobacco and alcohol are far worse and they is marketed to the youth.

the nixon adminstration classified pot as a narcotic only because the political disidents used it. it was a way to criminalize discontent.

and before that the marijuana stamp act was a racist attempt to seal up the southern border.

history, everyone should study it for a change. it beats the shit out of the propaganda that is spewed out by our current media.