Friday, December 15, 2006

Teen Age Girls Are Hilarious!

Allanah is a 16 year old girl who is quite adept at using American Sign Language for the deaf. She is rightfully proud of her ability and is passionate about learning new ways to communicate in that vein. Recently she learned how to sign several Christmas carols.

She excitedly told her younger sister Brenna about it, and how her very favorite thing was having learned to sign Silent Night in Spanish. Brenna, the future comedic actor in the family, gives her a slow look and says, "That's stupid, Allanah. What are you gonna do, wander all over town looking for a deaf Mexican to sing to?"

Driving home via I-5 at 75 mph, in pitch black and 100 mph winds was not the best time to hear this. I almost drove off the damn road three times.


Jacq said...

You didn't say who the girls were in your post.

rich bachelor said...

Indeed, there's a whole lot of missing information in that one, but it's still got a fantastic punchline.

And hey: I nearly got killed coming back from Seattle last weekend too! Awright! I don't know why that particular stretch has become the forbidden zone that it has. Mind you, Gawd's angry, and things that formerly lived on roofs are laying all over the streets around here.

Speaking of Gawd and the anger thereof, go check out the Erudite Redneck's post for today, follow the links, and be prepared to laugh your ass off.

CatsDigMe said...

These particular teenage girls are the daughters of an old friend of mine from high school. We were close back in the day and then we lost track of each other while she galavanted about the globe with the US Air Force. After not seeing her for twenty odd years she moved back into the area and by sheer coincidence moved into a house four doors down from mine. Her Girls have adopted me as a sort of surrogate father. As I have opted to live my life sans children, it is a strange and wonderful thing to suddenly have two teen daughters.

CatsDigMe said...

The punch line becomes even more funny when you realize that the town in question is Warrenton and you picture Allanah wandering aimlessly up and down N. Main Street.

Jacq said...

Okay, Mister, I have tagged you. So WHERE IN THE HELL is your list of ten of your favorite books????

And Rob, if you read this comment and want to participate, the invitation is extended to you as well.