Saturday, December 23, 2006

Welcome to my Christmas


Jacq said...

DAMN!!!!! It can't be THAT bad!

Merry Christmas anyway!

CatsDigMe said...

No, its only a momentary lapse in Christmas cheer. Merry Christmas Jacq!

rich bachelor said...

Yes'm'indeedee. This was a good one. I didn't have to go anywhere or do anything that I didn't feel like doing, and I am a happier man for it.

I mean, my father bought me six bottles of wine. He has truly come to understand me. Then I went and got rid of the damn Nutcracker. Now I'm tired as twelve dogs, but I wanted to come over here and say Hauska Joula (ask Carrier) anyways. Sleep well, O Hollander, and make sure to always keep a finger in the dike.

CatsDigMe said...

Happy New Year Rich! Yep, finger in the dyke is my station in life and I intend to keep it there.

CatsDigMe said...

I hope Hauska Joula is not some kind of thing along the lines of Lutefisk, but I imagine it is.