Monday, March 19, 2007

Something Hollander Would do

I love this! A kid in Alaska prints up this big banner that says Bong Hits 4 Jesus. Its giving conservatives coniption fits. If the sue-preme court sides with the kid, they are promoting drug use. If they side with the Principal of the school, they run the risk of getting religious messages banned from school. Oh, what is a freedom hating conservative to do? Yeah! Free Speech , Baby!


Anonymous said...

okay, what I don't understand is this: did he do this at school? if he was just a student on any old street I do not see where the school would have any jurisdiction. also, free speech should apply. it is not like he was yelling fire in a crowded movie theatre.

frankly this is just stupid

and it is exactly the kind of thing I would have done at his age (as well as taking a few bong hits)

CatsDigMe said...

He did it across the street from his school with the express purpose of pissing people off. He also claims it was an experiment with free speech. The school does have the right to clamp down on pro-drug messages but the conservatives don't want to accidentally take out their own gawd messages in the process. Its all good man.

CatsDigMe said...

Even though its really stupid I am inspired by the message. Just think, it could spread all across the land from seas to sludgy sea. BONG HITS 4 JESUS!

Anonymous said...


honestly, it was across the street and harmless. I still feel that the school took inappropriate action. Free Speech should reign on this one.


now, if the sign read "Cock Sucks 4 Jesus" the school and the state may have an issue because lord knows that their shouldn't be any pro-gay messages in schools. (which is precisely why I believe all schools and university should stop engaging in pro-gay sports such as greco-roman wrestling!)

back to you Chuck

CatsDigMe said...

That was our man in the field, Reporter Ted. Thank you for that fine report sir.

Yeah the issue really is free speech. I think what the kid did was both really stupid and brilliant.

CatsDigMe said...

BH4J !!

CS4J !!

The bumper sticker sales alone are gonna make us rich. You in Jacq?

Jacq said...

Okay, pass the duchie pon the left han side!

CatsDigMe said...

They are already selling tee shirts! Someone beat us to it. Can you believe it?

Anonymous said...

ah yes, and another act of free speech gets raped by free trade.