Thursday, October 25, 2007

Pubs are truly Desperate now

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 3:04 PM
Subject: Fw: History Quiz - Lesson

Surprised me!

-------------- Forwarded Message: --------------

Here is a little history lesson for you. If you
> don't know the answer, make your best guess.
> Answer all the questions before looking at the
> answers.
> Who said it?
> 1) "We're going to take things away from you on
> behalf of the common good."
> A. Karl Marx
> B. Adolph Hitler
> C. Joseph Stalin
> D. None of the above
> 2) "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to
> government of the few, by the few, and for the
> few......
> And to replace it with shared respons ibility for
> shared prosperity."
> A. Leni n
> B. Mussolini
> &n bsp; C. Idi Amin
> D. None of the Above
> 3) "(We) ...can't just let business as usual go
> on, and that means something has to be taken away
> from some people."
> A. Nikita Khrushev
> B. Josef Goebbels
> C. Boris Yeltsin
> D. None of the above
> 4) "We have to build a political consensus and
> that requires people to give up a little bit of
> their own ... in order to create this common
> ground."
> A. Mao Tse Dung
> B. Hugo Chavez
> C. Kim Jong Il
> D. None of the above
> 5) "I certainly thi nk the free-market has failed."
> A. Karl Marx
> B. Lenin
> C. Molotov
> D. None of the above
> 6) "I think it's time to send a clear message to
> what has become the most profitable sector in (the)
> entire economy that they are being watched."
> A. Pinochet
> B. Milos evic
> C. Saddam Hussein
> D. None of the above
> Scroll down for answers
> &n bsp;
> Answers
> (1) D. None of the above. Statement was made by
> Hillary Clinton 6/29/2004
> (2) D. None of the above. Statement was made by
> Hillary Clinton 5/29/2007
> (3) D. None of the above. Statement was made by
> Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
> (4) D. None of the above. Statement was made by
> Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
> (5) D. None of the above. Statement was made by
> Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
> (6) D. None of the above. Statement was made by
> Hillary Clinton 9/2/2005
> May Want to Question ...or Be afraid, Be very afraid!!

RESPONSE FROM HOLLANDER TEAM........................

Now, After all of the evidence of how Bush, the Republican controlled congress, and the radical religious right have continually screwed the country, you are actually going to buy in to this anti-Hillary stuff? First of all, did you investigate each individual statement and confirm that she actually said them? Then, if she did, did anyone check on the context in which the statements were made? Thirdly, I could make up a questionnaire such as this about Bush and the Republicans which would be far longer and have many times more incriminating allegations.

Is the author of this exam worried that president Hillary wants us to become a communist nation? That is what seems to be implied here. My belief is that the far more likely thing she meant (if she did say these things) is that we need to take away from the greedy, super rich, crooks of the country. People like CEO's who literally make 100 million times more money than the regular employees of a company, even while running said company into bankruptcy. I think that rather than focusing on some perceived slights against Americanism by Hillary Clinton, we ought to pay much more attention to things like - how are we going to win and end the war (which has now lasted longer than World War II), and what the hell possessed Bush to veto the SCHIP bill.

Lastly, I wonder what it is about Mrs. Clinton that makes some people hate her so much. Is it that she is a woman? A woman who refuses to keep her place, like in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant? Is it that she would like for ALL Americans to have health care, not just the wealthy and those lucky few who receive benefits through their employers? I would like to see an itemized list from anyone as to what, exactly, she has done that has supposedly screwed the country so thoroughly. My bet is, if they are truly honest about it, they hate her because she stuck by Bill when he got a blowjob in the Oval Office. Personally, I was much more offended that the Republicans spent billions of my tax dollars to investigate the President's wiener.


CatsDigMe said...

Even though I am not a polititian, I feel it to be my duty to be completely honest about myself if I am going to make political statements. So I would like to officially announce that I too, have been the recipiant of oral sex. Yes, its true, I have gotten myself blown. There. I feel so much better now that I have come clean.

Anonymous said...

you know, as lefty as I am, I'm not in love with the idea of hillary for prez. it's not that she is a woman. honestly, I believe it is because she is so centrist and a politician before policies.

the pubs, though, attack her because they know she is capable and she can win. she is a stronger woman than any of them are men. they also know that, if they don't attack her, she is centrist enough to actually get cetrist republican votes. they are also aware that Bush shot their load and few people completely trust a republican candidate this year.

as for me, Hillary is the best winnable candidate not only from the dems side but overall. I think we coulda done a helluva lot better and should have . . .

damn, I hate it when I start rethinking in the middle of a comment post. "centrist." as a peacenik I have come to realize that the best candidate in my mind isn't always the best candidate. does that make sense? not only do we need peace overseas, we need peace in washington. maybe a centrist that calls herself a democrat is exactly what we need. I'm not in love with it, but maybe it can fix the machine. she can help our leaders to negotiate. who knows, maybe will she will also push the democratic agenda.

sorry for being windy. I concede. Hillary in '08--goddamn it.

CatsDigMe said...

I too am not in love with Hillary. She is simply the most palatable candidate. I would prefer a more Libertarian president. That is not going to happen yet. We have to wait.

CatsDigMe said...


I thought that whole men's room thing was supposed to be anonymous, dude.