This coming election day we are voting on an increase in the cigarette tax. This particular tax is supposed to fund health care for thousands of uninsured children in Oregon. My first question is: What happened to the other tobacco taxes the state has levied? Wasn't that revenue supposed to go to children's health care? I take this proposed tax as a personal attack. Why should I pay for other people's children to have health care when I can't even afford any for myself? Here's an idea. Put a huge tax on Lego's and juice boxes. Then the people who have children are paying for their own damn health costs.
sin taxes are usually funneled into corrupt politicians pockets--hence the need for more!
Yah thats what I was thinking. If the money actually went to children, I'd be okay with that. Although we still need a juice box tax.
Why don't they just make marijuana illegal and put a tax on that? Do you know what kind of money could be made in that? TRUE SIN at its finest.
Better yet - make EVERY drug legal. then people who are too stupid to handle recreational drug use will kill themselves and, viola', no more drug problem
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