Thursday, October 18, 2007

Compassionate Conservative

But ultimately, the president's demand for a far more limited extension of the existing insurance program held sway with enough Republicans. Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) charged that "SCHIP stands for Socialized, Clinton-style Hillarycare for illegals and their parents."


Anonymous said...

if congress can't override Bush's veto then it is proof that they have no spine. I will be forced to completely reject the dems.

the time's ripe for a third party--if not a fourth and a fifth, etc.

Anonymous said...

and so it looks like the house couldn't override the veto. bleak, fuckin' bleak.

CatsDigMe said...


Anonymous said...

you know, I'm beginning to think that it is too bad Nader isn't running. this coulda been his year.

CatsDigMe said...

We're getting close to having a viable third party. For right now I'll be happy just to get a Democrat in office.

Anonymous said...

that said, but I wouldn't want a prez as wishy-washy as our congress. we voted for the dems because we wanted change, yet a lame duck prez still gets what he wants? what kinda crap is that?

remember LBJ--the man who ran as a peace prez but turned around and sent more troops to vietnam. and am I right, Hillary doesn't mind military force against Iran?

Hillary is probably going to be our next prez but I'm afraid we won't see much change. just more political bullshit.

as I said, bleak. I'm considering not voting at all.

CatsDigMe said...

One of the main problems is that the Dems dont have a veto-proof congress. Once Hillary is in, there wont be a lot of vetos to override. The S-CHIP extension did pass. there just wern't enough (Republican) votes to get past the asshole president.