Sunday, February 25, 2007

There's Got to Be a Morning After

November 3, 2004

Charles E.

Democratic National Committee
430 S. Capitol St. SE
Washington, DC. 20003

Dear Sirs:

It is with deep regret that I must inform you of my decision to leave the Democratic Party. Please know that I have been a faithful and fervent supporter over the years, in fact a lifelong Democrat.

I forgave Vice-President Al Gore for his dismal showing in the 2000 election, as he was obviously unaware of the Republican juggernaut he was up against. Four years later, armed with reams of evidence about Bush’s conceits, the best candidate you could muster was John Kerry. You had to know that his Massachusetts address, anti-war rhetoric from the seventies, and stiff demeanor would doom any chance of winning the South and most of the Mid-West. This is unacceptable when men like General Clark were available.

The nation as a whole is leaning ever further to the right. You absolutely need to either learn to appease those so-called “values” voters or distinguish yourselves more sharply with the Republicans. The mish mash of ideals put forward by the once great party will only serve to guarantee right wing victories ad nauseam.

Please remove my name and contact information from the official rolls of the Democratic Party.


Charles E.


CatsDigMe said...

When I sent this letter I had no idea that the bushies would shoot their own testicles off.

Anonymous said...

still, let's hope Obama and Clinton don't take aim at each other and shoot down our chances of a democratic prez.

CatsDigMe said...

They are already sniping at each other. Yep, we better hope it doesn't open a big door for Rudy.

Jacq said...

I don't think Rudy has a chance.

CatsDigMe said...

I think he has the best chance of anybody in the republican field of candidates, but you're right sweetie, the pubs ain't gonna get back in.

Anonymous said...

Rudy doesn't have a chance (but I did like him on SNL). As strange it may seem fascism did kinda work for Manhattan (it is a 2 class borough), but it is terribly dangerous on the national level.

The pub to always worry about is McCain. He has a nasty appeal to the centrists even though he is pretty far out right.

Anonymous said...

uhem, as I was saying, McCain
stands to be more dangerous than Rudy (but I did just read that Rudy can take NJ). anyways, according to this link McCain is in it:

Anonymous said...

now, according to this poll, Rudy would could take NJ. If that's true, Rudy stands to be more dangerous than McCain. If this NJ thing holds, he could get the nomination and he carries the red states plue NJ--BAM! the pubs win.

we's fukt.

CatsDigMe said...

McCain has some ongoing problems though. He is seen as way too liberal by the right wingers and the true centrists are beginning to see that he only gives lip service to center and liberal issues. His former animosity and subsequent admiration for Bush is hurting him also.

Anonymous said...

yeah, I was wrong about McCain. and it seems I was wrong about Rudy too.

CatsDigMe said...

How so?

Anonymous said...

um, I guess I didn't explain it very well. according to polls Rudy is more popular in NJ than both Clinton and Obama. NJ is a very democratic state. well, if they lean toward Rudy we can give up on having a dem prez.

hopefully that will change over the next year.

here's my information:

CatsDigMe said...

Yeah, I know what you mean about Mr. 9/11. Hopefully people will look at the crappy stuff he did in NYC before 2001. His political ideas were pretty extreme.