This is a post the staff here at The Space wrote up nearly a year ago. Remember at the time that Obama was not so clearly in the picture. He may be that alternative to hillary we were looking for. This all original content post is reprinted here along with all of the comments posted by our dear readers and contributors. - Ed.
SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 2006
How many thousand days has it been since George W. Bush declared that on the deck of an aircraft carrier? How much war has been waged since? Exactly how wrong is history going to show him to be on that score? Will the war in Iraq and the war on terrorism ever be fully won? We will know all of the answers eventually. That IS NOT what this post is about, however.
We liberals must not make the same mistake in declaring premature victory in our quest to bring fairness, equality, honesty, and translucense to our federal government. The editorial staff here at the Space has been hearing a great deal of trumpeting about the impending Democratic victory in the mid-term elections and even in the 2008 presidential race. It is MUCH too soon for popping champagne corks folks.
We need to ask ourselves, "What are our goals here, what are we trying to accomplish?" While the neo-cons and the radical Bible thumpers like to accuse us of being unpatriotic, bleeding heart, W-hating, tax and spender's - we know better. Our goal in the past was to dig out the truth about the crooked administation that Bush has set up. It was to force light into the dark, seedy, corridors of corruption. Thanks to their arrogance and ineptitude this has come to pass without much effort on the part of liberals. Really, did we spend 1/1,000,000,000 th of the money the Republicans did on trying to nail Bill Clinton for getting a blow job?
Mission Accomplished may now be declared on that major plank of our platform. And while the low presidential poll numbers, the continual parade of scandals, and the never-ending war mongering may well assist us in achieving our noble goals, we need to refocus now. Our goal must be to take back at least one house of Congress and the Whitehouse. To that end we must make ourselves heard by even more people. We must write even more letters to the various editors of the country. We must be sure to get our friends and colleagues fired up. Getting them to promise to vote is not enough. Regular readers of this and other liberal based blogs will not bring in enough numbers at the polls. Search out your old maiden aunties, your drunken 18 year old step son, try an old girlfriend or two. Most importantly, grab those people who have fallen victim to apathy and shove their nose in the shitty conditions of the country.
And blog, my friends, blog. I know a faithful reader or two of this very blog who believe that we cannot and do not make a difference with our efforts here. Not true. This shit is world wide. If we make a concentrated effort now it can spread in time to enable us to confidently declare MISSION ACCOMPLISHED in six months and then again in '08.
Now the staff has a suggestion for the first topic. Hillary Clinton cannot win the 2008 presidential general election. As the editor here has noted in previous posts, she is a woman; a New Yorker (of sorts); an ultra liberal; and most notably is married to that evil Bill Clinton. We can't make a change, guys, if we can't get our candidate elected. Remember how John Kerry came from the back of the pack and kicked Wesley Clark's ass in the democratic primary. Now remember what the Karlrovians did to him in the general election. We might point out that Kerry was a decorated war veteran, an accomplished senator, and popular with the liberal base of the Democratic Party.
It is the position of the Space that we somehow convince our fellow Democrats to choose an alternative. Thus far we deem the best suited to be Evan Bayh of Indiana (Thank you Rich Bachelor for bringing him to our attention). He is telegenic; has a lovely blond wife; has two adorable twin sons; his father was the beloved figure Birch Bayh; and he plays well to middle class voters. We know, we know, you want someone who is more than just palatable to the public. We say get your candidate elected, then make changes. Oh, watch out for the McCain / Gulianni ticket. Think Hillary can beat Mr. POW and MR. 9/11 ??????? You want 8 years of that??
cats dig me said...
I expect lots of comments here, folks. Now is not the time to become complacent!
SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 2006 10:01:00 PM
Jacq said...
It's still the good old boy network. Hills doesn't have a chance, alas. Despite the numerous other countries in the world that have women presidents, the US is still not gonna let it happen.
MONDAY, APRIL 24, 2006 11:21:00 AM
cats dig me said...
Its that damn puritanical streak we have in this country. We still think that a woman is going to have PMS and nuke the world. What a buncha shit! W is far more likely to incinerate the planet.
MONDAY, APRIL 24, 2006 12:36:00 PM
Jacq said...
True, very true.
MONDAY, APRIL 24, 2006 1:41:00 PM
carrier said...
Buy the Bayh?
Bayh's our guy?
It would be foolhardy to think that because the president's poll numbers are down in April it somehow translates into victory for Dems in November. A long hot summer lurks between.
Exchanging personal liberty for corporate oppression is not the way to go. No matter how sweet our 401K's isn't worth it.
And a little bit of that liberty flies out the window with every seat filled with a Republican legislator.
Big government isn't a bad thing as long as the folks that cast votes are still pulling the strings, running the show. At this time that is not the case.
The only way to counter the clowns with the clamps on the beltway is to gridlock them. That means winning a majority in at least one house of congress.
They will steer the issues away from the national questions and try to focus at the state and local levels. We can't let that happen. That is where these ethereal pages should come in handy.
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 2006 9:42:00 PM
cats dig me said...
Don't let McCain fool us any longer either. He is an ultra conservative in moderate's clothing pretending to respect the liberals. He talks the moderate talk alright, but if you look at his voting record you'll see that he rubber stamps the Bush agenda with an alarmingly high frequency. He introduces legislature in the senate that sounds great to liberals and progressives, knowing full well that the bill has no chance in hell of becoming enacted. But then he can say "Hey lookit what I did my liberal pals" and fool us into voting for him. He even had the Hollander, himself, fooled a few years ago. Take our country back now in the fall elections just in case we run into that McCain train wreck.
FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 2006 12:34:00 AM
KEvron said...
"Hillary Clinton cannot win the 2008 presidential general election."
maybe not, but what can she do for dems in '06? she may not be presidential material, but get her on the stump and she's going to help a few more dems into both houses.
SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 2006 1:35:00 AM
carrier said...
True. She may not have the national appeal to win a general election, but the former first lady could be instrumental in rallying the democratic faithful this summer and fall.
SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 2006 8:22:00 PM
Jacq said...
I definitely don't trust McCain. Ms. Clinton has a lot of potential but I'm still leary.
I don't know, Carrier. Money still makes the US go round. That's all most people seem to care about.
MONDAY, MAY 01, 2006 11:32:00 AM
cats dig me said...
I am all for Hillary stumping about the country. She just may be able to energize those soccer moms. If what I suspect is about to happen (and I am right about these things a scary amount of the time) actually comes to pass, we may not need to worry overly much about the Whitehouse race for a time. We need to have us a house in '06
MONDAY, MAY 01, 2006 3:31:00 PM
Jacq said...
Scary? Did you say Scary???
TUESDAY, MAY 02, 2006 5:58:00 AM
cats dig me said...
Scary to those who are amongst the uninitiated. I have developed a certain intuition about these things which usually proves to be correct. One little ol' house in 06, all we need. People involved just need to get together, make a decision, and let their feelings be known. Everybody has got to be sick of all this Bush nonsense by now.
TUESDAY, MAY 02, 2006 6:46:00 AM
Jacq said...
In getting the House together, there's a lot more involved than just the decision-making. It goes deeper than that. Some need to be in and others need to know when their terms have been expired. Sometimes it takes longer than we'd like.
Looking forward beyond 2006 myself.
TUESDAY, MAY 02, 2006 1:16:00 PM
cats dig me said...
Yep, you're right Jacq. We need to prepare for 08 now. Hopefully the Dems can convince the populace their guy is the right man for the big job after throwing out any unnecessary guys from the other houses. Imagine if we do this just right we might have that house we acquire for many years to come. Then we can do some fantastic things once there is no Bush around.
TUESDAY, MAY 02, 2006 8:05:00 PM
Jacq said...
Anticipation of the unknown. Scary thing.
THURSDAY, MAY 04, 2006 1:20:00 PM
cats dig me said...
Its all in the timing. Nice thing about time? As it goes by the scary unknown factors diminish and the possibilities present themselves. I must admit a bit of trepidation about 06, but am confident that beyond that things will probably turn out fine. Imagine a world without Bush in Washington. That place seems so far away and remote, but everything that happens there affects us all huh?
THURSDAY, MAY 04, 2006 1:33:00 PM
Jacq said...
I suppose then that we should never rush to judgement or have unrealistic expectations. I hate disappointments. But the end result may please everyone if the timing is right. I believe in that for sure.

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What a year it's been, ay? Just think of 2008. I have very high hopes for the future.
I have much higher hopes now than I did back when I originally posted this editorial. Forgive me for tooting my own horn a bit here (a marvelous sensation if you have the physical dexterity)but even back then I actually thought we would take control of both houses. I was too scared of jinxing it if I said that out loud though.
if you recall, I was high on the funky Obama shit that those ole hydroponics were producing up in Chicago. I heard about that shit on NPR before he was even elected to the senate. Wow, pink clouds and the promise of a black president. Jeez, man, when he opens his mouth I feel like the straight boy that I am french kissing Bono. He makes me feel like I was right when I was giving my old friends hell when they were returning marines back when the first Iraq War ended (ah god, what a prick I was).
LET THIS BEEN KNOWN THOUGH, we are terribly far from any primary. I love him, but Obama high could be nothing more than pink clouds. he looks too good too early--that goes for Hillary too.
STILL, it is too important that we win. McCain in 08? now, that would be a pain in the rectum.
as much as the real weigh of the dems and the lefties lie in the hands of the Congress, us little asses can really swing things too. I might just have to watch my mouth and write some shit. who knows, maybe I can that without pissing anyone off (that would be a miracle--if any exist)
Yep, I remember you talking about the funky-co-obama way back then. I seem to recall myself making the argument that a black man would get shot dead before the votes were fully counted here in ameriKa. I may have to eat those words. Got ant habanero salsa?
Yes. Please write. Dont keep that shit bottled up for years like I did. Dont make me give the same advice back to you that you gave me, brother.
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